Mon | 12.07.2021
Paul Renaud is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC), a native of Ottawa, Canada, and the dynamic force behind helping others perform beyond expectations. With a career that spans 35+ years in business, Paul has worked at senior management and executive levels and coached multinationals, such as Adobe, Bitdefender, Coca-Cola, Endava, Fokker, Google, ORTEC, Philips, Timac Agro, Toyota, in industries ranging from logistics to law firms and others.
Dedicated interview with Paul Renaud:
What differentiates you as a coach?
I love to coach people and teams for two reasons: it is an inherent skill I have, and I’m interested in helping people because I care about them.
I help my clients maximize their professional potential – either master new responsibilities or aspire to a new career – while at the same time finding balance with other equally important aspects of their lives, such as their family, partner, social life, and spirituality.
Leaders work with me because of my experience and exposure to many cultures; I have lived and worked in 10 countries. The value-added I provide is not only coaching, but a global network of people I have access to and the corresponding learning I have acquired from this network. This knowledge is used during my coaching protocols.
Demigods, Aliens, and Ordinary People is your latest book. What is it about?
Through my work in guiding leaders and teams, I know that achieving something truly great can be an aspiration for all of us. My book is about helping people get better – the term I use is “peak performance.” Demigods, Aliens, and Ordinary people covers the 14 tools of peak performance and shows that anyone can be a better version of who they are.
In a storytelling format I take a creative look at three archetypes of leadership: the demigod, the alien, and the ordinary person. Then, using some case studies and anecdotes, I show how ordinary people can enjoy success. Like any good story, you must read the book till the end to get the full value.
What do you want people to remember after reading your book?
The goal was to put some ideas together in a friendly, easy-to-read format. As in my previous A Networking Book, I wanted to be pragmatic and practical. I wanted people to come back repeatedly to get the edge they need.
In essence, I wanted to create a self-coaching book, where someone reads a section and then tries the tool. When it works, they move on to try the next tool.
In September, you are organizing the I Feel Good experience, on the Greek island of Andros. Tell us more about it.
I Feel Good is a chance to get involved in coaching discussions, rejuvenate, and take stock of your personal achievements with the help of peak performance tools. It’s taking place on Cycladic Andros, Greece, an idyllic, rugged, green island surrounded by pristine blue waters.
This program is designed for leaders. The focus is to help you improve YOU and your business. You’ll learn new self-improvement tools, exchange knowledge with peers, and walk away with benchmarks based on peak performance tools covered in the book, including goal setting, imagery, belief and commitment, persistence, fear, the team factor, and the importance of heroes in our lives.
What are the participants going to experience, in addition to business coaching?
I Feel Good includes sample mind exercises from the land of the great philosophers, such as mindfulness and yoga. Every morning, these sessions will be short enough to try out and can be taken by those familiar with them, or complete novices.
Walking, hiking, and swimming are also part of the agenda. After all, we’ll be in the country where the Olympics were born. Don’t worry though; we won’t be doing endurance tests or ultra-marathons! Exercises are geared for all levels.
These are just a sample of the activities that will sustain the coaching sessions during this retreat.
Note: Spaces are limited because we want to keep the group small. The early bird offer ends 29.07.2021 (a €400 discount).
As a final note, what is your message to your fellow NRCC members?
I refer myself as the ‘token’ Canadian within the NRCC. The first day I attended a meeting at the Van Gogh café was fun, and it’s still a fun place to be. NRCC is growing. The events are top notch. I look forward to contributing to the richness of this community and I am very glad to be part of it.
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