Tue | 08.09.2020
How supported did you feel since COVID-19 started?
The swift onset of the world’s largest work-from-home experience has transformed our work environment in unthinkable ways almost five months ago. Beyond the technological adjustments, people struggled and continue to do so with isolation, uncertainty, and childcare responsibilities. This period has revealed how critical it is to be understanding and caring, how to think of others first, and, in a few words, how to be human.
Even with a huge volume of information distributed all over the media in the last few months, few studies were focused on the support needed by the individuals. For this reason, Mazars wants to run a diagnose and evaluate the support you have received during this pandemic.
Please fill out THIS survey - it will only take you 5 minutes.
Romania is an international working environment, therefore, this survey is in English, allowing those who speak other languages to answer.
Read more info HERE.
Supporting employers: What financial allowance will they receive to continue the teleworking system?
The Romanian business environment, and not only, is trying to recover the financial deficit generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and, to this end, efforts are being made, both at the European level to implement measures to support the economic recovery in the Member States and also at the national level.
According to Mazars, with the entry into force of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 132/2020, the measure to encourage employers to implement teleworking procedures for a longer period was also introduced. At this moment, only the financial allowance procedure is still under discussion, with the Ministry of Labour requesting feedback from the Romanian business community.
Limitations of the financial allowance procedure
As well as in some other cases, this measure, too, comes with some restrictions. At this time, the settlement procedure refers only to existing employees, who worked during the state of emergency, although the measure also addresses stimulating new employment.
Companies wishing to hire young graduates cannot purchase new teleworking equipment for those employees since they did not work with that employer during the state of emergency. This contradicts the stated aim of the measure, while another limitation in its wording is that it rather focuses on the past, although one of the stated objectives is to continue to stimulate this way of working as a measure to prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
How can an employer benefit from this financial allowance?
For the 2500 lei per employee, the company must submit a request for financial support, a statement on its own responsibility, and a list of employees from whom they request the amount. Employers can only apply for this financial support if they have purchased new technologies to equip employees so that they can telework in normal conditions.
Read more info HERE.
How Telcos are redesigning their journey: connectivity challenges, digital education and the 5G delay in Europe – Mazars analysis
At the beginning of the year, we were talking about how the future growth of telecommunication companies around the world will be affected by their ability to create and own seamless customer experiences. We had no idea that two months later Telcos will be the greatest advantage we will have on our side in the battle against COVID-19.
In a recent material, Mazars analysed the telecommunication sector and together with Fundația Orange România talked about how the mobile operator managed to support this industry through the national program dedicated to digital education in middle school classes.
Overcoming the connectivity challenges during COVID-19
In Romania, there are approximately 4.1 million fixed telephone lines and about 19 million mobile telephony users. Our country has a strong telecom infrastructure, which can cope with high traffic volumes.
Telcos have not had so much to lose compared to companies in other industries due to the technology and network in which they operate. Moreover, telephone operators have been saving many other companies due to facilitating distance communication between employees and partners. Significant increases in internet and telephone traffic have begun to be announced by all major communications operators in Romania, and they declared they have taken steps to ensure the continuity of services amid increasing data traffic due to the isolation of the population at home. However, they also recommended that users have a reasonable consumption of technology.
Education in a digital society powered by Telcos
Education has been one of the hardest hit sectors by the COVID-19 pandemic. This disruption is felt by many families around the world: homeschooling was not only a massive shock to parents’ productivity, but also to children’s social life and learning. Not all families had the resources to support their children, but large companies and governments tried to make up for those shortcomings.
Is 2020 the year of 5G technology implementation?
The activity of mobile telephony operators will be resumed and optimized when the situation allows. The only loss that these companies faced during this period was the delay in the implementation of 5G systems, which will resume with the end of restrictions in the European countries. Companies will restart 5G plans, including the physical installation of new infrastructure. This requires a high level of investment, so companies need to be able to restart the launch, but ensure that they have the financial and operational capacity to do so.
Read more info HERE.
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